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Movie Saturday

We’ve been watching TMC’s Oscar Month today, which has included The Pelican Brief and The Lion in Winter.  Lilies of the Field is just beginning. Yes, a movie-watching marathon for Ray and me. This is after a week juggling multiple concerns so it’s a welcome respite.

The Pelican Brief

I must say that The Pelican Brief was a good thriller, though I truly didn’t expect it to be a full 3 hours, which is was. I didn’t mind, however, since the ending was satisfying. The Lion in Winter continues to have some of the best and smartest dialogue I’ve ever heard in a movie. Peter O’Toole and Katharine Hepburn are worthy opponents who bemoan the horrible sons they have helped produce. I remember seeing the film back when it came out in the 60’s and being awed then. It didn’t disappoint again today though I have to admit that I am grateful that I didn’t live in the 1200’s. Yikes, those castles look very cold and life seemed bleak indeed.


Now, I am enjoying seeing Sidney Poitier sparring with Mother Superior in Lilies in the Fields. “We are not put on the earth to hurry, Smith,” says Mother Superior. It’s clear he will be staying for a while at the convent.


Excellent movies attest to the power of storytelling. Excellent acting doesn’t hurt either.

Off I go to watch this last film in our movie marathon today.

Happy Saturday.

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