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Must See Television: Broadchurch

Over the past week or so, Ray and I have watched the British ITV television series Broadchurch.  This is a classic whodunit that begins with a murder occurring in a small English village.  Over the course of Season One and Two, the focus goes from one suspect to another, all investigated by a detective duo, a crotchety man who brings his own baggage to the case (David Tennant) and a woman who has a stay-at-home husband who tends to their two children (Olivia Coleman).

This series will keep you guessing all the way to the end of each of the two seasons that are currently available.  Apparently, there is a third season coming up.

I highly recommend this series.  You will be entertained, I guarantee it.

At least check it out.

Heading to bed now after a satisfying evening of Broadchurch.

Hope you had a good weekend.

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