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My Cup Runneth Over

I am happy.

Liz and Ron have returned from their 60-day trek around the country. They have seen all sorts of relatives and friends along the way and visited 25 states, the District of Columbia and a small portion of Canada. They made it safe and sound after logging over 10, 000 miles on Liz’s car, and they are still speaking to each other! I am grateful for all the hospitality they received all over the country. People opened their homes to them, cooked dinner for them, took them out sightseeing, spent time just being together, and, basically, demonstrated just how kind and decent human beings can be to one another. Thank you, one and all, for doing what you did. You know who you are!

We also have my niece, Leslie, and her friend, Haley, visiting. They are off to a wedding this weekend in Mexico, then are returning here for Thanksgiving and Sarah’s wedding. After that, they will board a plane and fly to Cambodia and Vietnam for a two-week trip. What a treat to have them here.

Next week, Leslie’s sister and her boyfriend arrive, along with more family members who will help us celebrate Thanksgiving and Sarah and Gregorio’s wedding. The festivities have begun.

I am happy, indeed.

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