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My Love Affair with the LA Phil

I am in love with the LA Phil. Today we went to Disney Hall in downtown LA for an open house. Here is Disney Hall:

We got a back stage tour of the hall – something I’ve really wanted to do since I’ve been curious what behind the scenes looked like for the LA Phil folks. Here is the usual in-front-of-the-scenes view of Disney hall:

And here is a dressing room:

We listened to musicians talk about their experience being involved with the LA Phil and we listened to a string trio play three short pieces.

Then we went into the main hall and heard two more musicians talk about their LA Phil experience, along with getting the inside scope from Deborah Borda, the LA Phil President and CEO. Here is Deborah:

The whole experience felt as if we were getting to know distant relatives better since if you go to the symphony for very long, you start learning about the different musicians.  Here is the orchestra:

The only downside was that we didn’t see Gustavo Dudamel, the LA Phil’s conductor.Here is a photo of him. He is not fifteen, but he looks as if he is.

I am so happy I had the chance to go to this Open House today. I am a serous LA Phil fan, and I feel fortunate to get to enjoy this fine orchestra right here in my own back yard.

We will be going to various performances over this upcoming season. I can’t wait!

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