A few days back, I got up bright and early and headed to Anawalt’s on Robertson in West Hollywood to buy herbs and vegetables for my fall garden. I came home with Italian parsley, curly parsley, cilantro, Italian oregano, beets, lettuce, swiss chard, romaine, sweet leaf, and strawberries. These plants went in alongside several hardy kale plants that have been producing all summer.
I love having fresh herbs and a few vegetables. It was so hot this summer that everything died out except the kale, rosemary and thyme. I am happy to have a new crop to look after and enjoy this fall. I have developed a love for my little garden and I’m glad it’s back in operation. It will not look impressive to any of your serious gardeners, but for me it’s pretty darn cool. I am coming to green-thumbdom later in life.
Here are a few pictures.
Italian Oregano
My little garden