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My Writing Student Honored by State of Michigan!

My student Lara King wrote me tonight and sent me these two photos. One is of a  certificate issued by the State of Michigan, honoring her for her national Silver Medal in the Personal Essay category of the Scholastic Artists and Writers competition.  The second is of Lara with her State Representative, Sue Allor.

Lara wrote, “I’m going to make you famous in Michigan.” Ha!  I could not be more pleased.  Lara’s essay was in the top 1% of the 350,000 entries in the oldest and most prestigious art and writing contest for youth in the United States.  She joins Truman Capote, Saul Bellow, Joyce Carol Oates, to name only a few, who have been honored on the national level in this contest, which was started in 1925.

Congratulations, Lara!  I am pleased and proud to be mentioned in this certificate.  What a treat!  Thank you, Michigan!

Big hugs, my dear. Well deserved.  You did a bang-up job on that essay.  It is a champ and so are you.

State of Michigan

Lara King and Sue Allor, Michigan State Representative

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