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My Writing Website is Up and Running!

I have worked for the past four hours to finish up my writing website. I am a novice at this process and this whole endeavor has taken at least 20+ hours. I can’t say the site is perfect, but I am pleased with a few things. I have pictures of some of my closest students with short bios on them and I love the way that part looks. It also is a visual of some of my favorite people here in LA so that makes it especially pleasant for me to scroll through. Also, many parents and students have been generous enough to write blurbs of support for me. I feel grateful for their kind words.

Please give the website a look when you have a chance. I could use some feedback. Just remember my skill level may not be up to fixing aspects that are a little weak. Lord knows I’ve tried to remedy a few of the more glaring problems. Even a few of those are beyond my ability. Still, overall, I am happy.

Good night, folks. I am ready to get off of this computer. This machine and I have spent far too much time together over the past while as I’ve tackled this project.

I’ll be talking to you again tomorrow.

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