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November 1 Deadline Met!

Let me congratulate all my students who have worked their rear-ends off to finish their early decision and early action essays and supplemental questions several days before the November 1 deadline. Some of these seniors have been working since mid-August on the multi-layered components in their applications and it is no joke to say they have produced superlative essays. I will be submitting all of these to the Scholastic Artists and Writers contest, which is the most prestigious writing contest for youth in the country, and I expect there will be several winners here. And more importantly, I believe there will be a round of hoped for acceptances to schools the likes of Stanford, Penn, Michigan, Wisconsin, Chapin, and Loyola Marymount.

Great job, kids. I am so pleased for each one of you and very proud of you as well. Now take a few days off, have fun on Halloween and I’ll see you back next week so we can start Round Two of applications due November 15th and 30th.

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