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Off to SLC

Ray and I are at LAX waiting for our delayed flight to Salt Lake. I am sitting next to two IRS agents who are deeply engaged in a conversation about their work. One clearly has more experience than the other and is offering some advice. One heartening line I just overheard is, “Always give the taxpayer the benefit of the doubt.” That sounds good.

The main impression I am getting from these two fellows, who look like they’re in their mid-30’s, is how much they like their work. They are going over cases and discussing why a person was charged or not. Their enthusiasm has prompted Ray to lean over to me and whisper, “I may have to move.” It is a little frightening they are quite so into their work. There is no doubt they take their jobs very seriously.

On another note, I just saw a middle- aged woman walk by with a short haircut that showed all her gray hair on the sides and then emphasized her dyed dark brown hair on top. Definitely a statement.

Lots of travelers today. America is on the move.

I am looking forward to seeing my Utah family plus my brother Sam who is flying in tomorrow from Nashville. Of course, our immediate family is coming, too, over the next two days.

I will keep you posted on our time in SLC. Hope you are all well today.

Talk tomorrow.

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