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Ojai for the Past Couple of Days

I have had the rare opportunity to be up at our orange grove by myself for the past two days. Well, that isn’t quite accurate. Liz was here until this morning, but she was busy at work all day yesterday and then had a big project that kept her occupied for most of last night. We did have a nice breakfast together this morning and that was pretty sweet all in itself. Ray left yesterday without me.  We agreed I could just stay up here and relax a bit and then drive the van home.  As it turns out, Ray is coming back up tonight because we have a meeting that we have to both attend tomorrow at 10 am in Ventura.  I expect him to drive up any second.

But let me tell you that it has been wonderful just being here at the orange grove and working on my computer under the shade of the trees.  The weather is near perfect and it is so quiet. I might have added a couple of years to my life just being here alone.  Plus, I got a lot of work done that needed doing related to writing projects I am involved in.

Okay, I’m going to close so I will not still be typing when Ray arrives. That might be perceived as rude after all this “free” time I’ve had.

Talk again tomorrow.  Ray just arrived.


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