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Ojai for Work and Play

Today our Texas friends headed back to the Lone Star State. We enjoyed them very much and are so appreciative they were willing to bring out our restored Airstream. Thank you, Scott and Amy Ellis (and daughters) for making the very long trek with a 33 foot trailer. Also, much thanks to master craftsmen, Darrah Dunn and Chris Robinson, whose handiwork has breathed new life in this twenty-four year old Airstream. This is our first night in the “Land Yacht” and we are thrilled.

Today we spent a few hours getting settled into the Airsteam and the rest of the day focusing on the latest estate we are handling. We have lots of great new antique items to sell and we are busy contacting collectors and other potential buyers for these numerous pieces. Tomorrow we will see another of our clients in Santa Barbara. We are back to work and happy.

I hope you are doing well, dear reader. I will check back with you tomorrow.

Until then.

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