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Ojai This Evening

It’s been hot in LA and Ojai over the past several days. Up to 100 degrees in LA and 106 in Ojai. However, the front responsible for all this heat has passed so the weather ia supposed to get a bit more seasonal. Tomorrow in LA it is forecasted to be 81; in Ojai 91. That is more like it.

Right now at dusk in Ojai the air is cool. The local weather says it is 74 here due to get down to 59. The temperature In my estimation is near perfect right now.

At 8:22 (the current time) there is the last hint of light in the western sky. In another ten minutes I suspect it will be pitch dark. We have no city lights out here so once the dark comes, it is truly dark. The perfect conditions for enjoying the stars.

I am sharing a picture taken just before I started writing. The moon is a sliver so we will not have its light tonight. That will make the stars stand out even brighter.

It is quiet save for the bark of a distant dog or two. Our two dogs – yes, Sammie is still plugging away – are lying in the gravel near me. As for me, I am stretched out on a lawn chair enjoying this peaceful evening.

This is the perfect ending to a rather hectic day. Congratulations to Rachael Beaty on the purchase of her first new car. Luckily she had her dad there with her to make sure she got a good deal.

All is well, dear reader. I hope you are having a good evening as well. I’ll be talking to you again tomorrow.

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