I am currently reading the book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain. This is exploring the world of the introvert. Though quiet is not a word associated with me (I suspect), I must admit that I truly am an introvert. An introvert, by the way, is defined as someone who recharges alone versus around other people. I am married to a true extrovert. Give Ray a dozen people to hang with and he’ll be happy as the day is long. Give me a dozen and I’m happy for a while and then stand up and say, “Okay, I’m ready to go home now.”
To clarify even further, there are different types of introverts. I am not a shy introvert. I can talk to just about anybody about anything. My family likes to bring up that time that I stayed at a funeral so long that I was chatting with the grave diggers. But, that was because they were interesting and I don’t get to talk to grave diggers much. Put them at a party I’m supposed to attend and I will be the last to get there and will want to be the first to leave. Ray, of course, will look annoyed when I get that pained expression that translates to, “Is it time yet?” I have learned to relax and just stay until he’s ready. Or at least for longer than I’d prefer to stay…
In the book, Quiet, they have an informal quiz to see if you’re an introvert. If you answer yes to more than a few of the questions, then you probably are. I answered yes to all the questions. I guess that is a strong indicator…
I was raised by a father who had read Dale Carnegie’s book, How to Win Friends and Influence People and he taught me some of those basic tenets. Listening is a strong suit of mine, as is being genuinely interested in what other people have to say. That still doesn’t make me an extrovert though it seems as if it would. No, I am deeply interested to a point, then I need to go and be quiet. It is in that quiet time that I re-fuel for my next encounter with people.
I am about halfway through Quiet and will report on my thoughts of the book as a whole when I’m done. So far, I am learning. We’ll see how the next half goes.
On that note, I’ll bid you good night. It is time to head upstairs. Yes, sleep also helps with the recharging. I got up early today so I may be a little overdue for some solid shut-eye. I am looking forward to my bed.
Here is a link about the book: http://www.thepowerofintroverts.com/about-the-book/
