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One of LA’s Best Kept Secrets: Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area

Today Ray and I went for a hike and a picnic with friends of ours: Greg and Bronwyn Jamrok and their two adorable boys, Henry, almost 5 and Teddy, almost 2. They took us to Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area off of La Cienega Boulevard and we discovered a wonderful and huge recreational area that we’d only glimpsed from La Cienega when taking friends to LAX the back way (meaning avoiding 405).

This recreational area was not only uncrowded, but had many trails that provided gorgeous views of the city. Bronwyn said on a clear day (today was a bit hazy), it’s possible to see the ocean on one side and the Hollywood sign on the other. Plus, the facilities were clean, well-maintained and, again, uncrowded.

Here are a few pictures of our morning hike. I think you’ll see what I mean.

Bronwyn and Teddy


Greg, Teddy, Ray, Henry and Bronwyn


View from the Trail (to the West)


Henry Pointing Out a Sight


Jamrok Clan


Another View


Another Shot of our Rest Stop


Flowers along the Trail


One Final View


Parking is $5 a car on weekends and free on weekdays. Also, I am including a link to the website so you can access more information if you’re interested.

This is a lovely place to visit.  There are several playgrounds, a lotus pond with ducks, lots of trails, and a fishing lake to name only a few of the features here.  I would highly recommend this spot for a great hike or a relaxed picnic.  Lots of fun.

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