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Open Windows: Life in a Victorian House

It is late – 11:31 pm – and I’m sitting in our house here in Texas with all the windows wide open and I’m enjoying this wonderful cool night air. It is due to get to 62 degrees tonight (it was only 84 today for a high) and I am determined to sleep in this old Victorian the way the original owners did – letting the house “breathe” all night long.

Weather in Texas changes with little fanfare. A few days back, the air felt like hot bath water; this evening, it is more like a cool mountain stream. This is just how Texas weather is at least for just a little while more until the real heat rolls in and stays a while.

I wonder how those Victorians fared with no air conditioning? Oh my, and all those clothes. I expect it was unpleasant in the summer for them on many levels. Sometimes those “simpler” times were wonderful, I’m sure, but on a hot summer day with a corset, heavy skirts and long sleeves, I’m just guessing there was some longing for privacy, a bathtub and cold water.

I don’t have much to say this evening. I have been to Dallas and back today and I am happy to be home. I must say that I prefer the quieter streets of Sherman to all that traffic down in Big D. Of course, it may just be that traffic reminds me of LA and right now I’m enjoying just being a Texan. I’ll have time to contemplate California soon enough.

Off to bed I go to enjoy these night breezes. I hope you all sleep well, too.

Victorian Dresses
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