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Our Neighborhood Garage Sale, THIS Saturday!

Come one, come all.  We here on North Crockett in Sherman, Texas will be having our annual neighborhood garage sale this Saturday in our front yard at 716 North Crockett. As in the past, at least five families will be providing bargains on antiques, collectibles, clothing, toys, a few appliances, books, and goodies of all sorts.  We are here to SELL so do not hesitate to mark your calendars and make the trek over to see us.

We’ll be setting up late Friday afternoon and will be selling by 8 am on Saturday morning.

If it rains, we’ll sell what we can on the porches and reconvene on Sunday.

If you happen to be one of my Facebook friends, then come up and let me know.  I would love to see you in person and have a current-day face to go with your name.

Come see us.  It’ll be fun!


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