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Poetry Prompt: Fight Today

Today I got mad My husband was rude to me So I was rude back

Then he tried to joke But I swelled up like a toad Our poor friend stood by

It’s no fun to watch Long-term married people fight It’s undignified

I can be thin-skinned It is not a pretty sight I go silent fast

I know that’s not fair Better to admit what’s wrong And let it all go

But sometimes I can’t It’s as if anger grabs me And hangs on too tight

We yelled riding home Saying words that were not true Then split for the day

Soon I telephoned And made the first concession We made up right then

I don’t like fighting And yet sometimes I flare up For no good reason

My husband teased me As soon as I returned home Finally, I laughed

He was rude it’s true But I took too much offense I want thicker skin

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