The house is quiet. The guests are gone. The dishes have been washed and put away. We had a respectable crowd – 45 – many of whom were my favorite people. I looked around at one point and thought, “How wonderful to have many of my closest friends all in one place!”
The Open House is an annual event to show the progress on the renovation of our Queen Anne Victorian. We have owned this house 5 years and are still not finished, but I must say, it’s quite beautiful and we’re getting close.
I had lots of help all day in preparation, which made everything easier. We were finished an hour before and were able to sit in the front parlor and drink tea before the first guest arrived.
A lovely evening. Great thanks to our friends who drove all the way from Arkansas just to see our house, plus two old friends from Bonham who made the trek over. Not to mention close friends here in Sherman, and a smattering of family who are always to be counted on to wish us well.
A truly fine way to close out 2011.
Happy New Year, folks. I hope 2012 is the best year ever for us all!