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Writer's picturelenleatherwood

Preparation Fatigue

I am sitting here dead-dog tired. Preparation for graduation weekend is the culprit. We have family who arrived today from Utah and I don’t know why there is so much to do to get ready for people visiting, but there just is. Today’s list included: cleaning out the fridge, chopping up peaches from our peach tree, washing sheets and bedspreads for our guests, making spaghetti sauce and spaghetti for dinner, washing all dirty clothes, drying and putting them away, sweeping up all the dog hair that infiltrates our house, dusting and general tidying, tidying up the back driveway which is filled with boxes and furniture for Rachael’s move, partially pack the van, pick avocados from our trees out back, take out all the trash, decide on the menu for the next several days, go to the grocery store and buy food for the menu, make cookies for the family who arrived. Plus, edit my students’ work today, along with calculating how much money is coming in from students over the next several months. This is in addition to the more general house cleaning and lawn mowing that occurred yesterday.

Oh my…

We are leaving town for almost 3 ½ weeks in exactly 7 days, so we have all of that prep as well. This includes getting all the bills paid, all my billing done, all the packing for the trip done (which included a trip to Ojai to get Rachael’s stuff which has been stored there), figuring out trip logistics in terms of people and dogs (there are several of us going + two dogs), and food preparation for the trip. There is also the trip to the library to see what books on tape they have to fill the 24 hours we’ll be on the road. I am not including a dozen other mundane tasks that need attention. I’m sure this is boring enough on its on.

The gist: Graduation and cross-country driving trip preparations require a concentrated amount of work to make them happen. They are worth the effort, but there will be energy expended to get these things done.

The good news: much of the work was completed today and now I get to relax and enjoy my family.

The best news: much of the work for the move has also been done, so next week’s preparation will be minimal.

I guess planning ahead and getting things done is worth it. But you do have to live through a few very long, hard days to make it all happen.

ON that note, I am now going to fall into bed and look forward to a nice, long, and peaceful night’s sleep.


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