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Quiet Evening Before Last Minute Christmas Preparation

Quiet night at home with two dogs asleep beside me on the couch – one slightly stinky. (Perhaps a bath is in order for tomorrow.) Ray is upstairs reading. I have been enjoying this non-busy evening by skimming through my unread emails and getting up to date via Facebook on my online friends’ activities.

Tomorrow I need to be rested and ready to do some last minute Christmas shopping, plus begin cooking for Christmas Day. We are having our big Christmas dinner here mid-afternoon on Wednesday and since I’m serving at numerous church services as an acolyte on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, I need to get my cooking done early. Already I’ve cooked the cornbread for my dressing and have frozen stuffed shells ready to heat up as a side dish. A few more dishes and we’ll be set. Plus, a few pies, too, I think just for good measure.

I am going to bed now with a busy tomorrow in mind.

I am happy to have my family near for this Christmas celebration. I anticipate love and affection abounding as our new little Luna experiences her very first Christmas.

Ah, life is good and I am blessed. Amen.

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