Well, I hadn’t expected to be here in Texas for a deluge. That’s basically what has occurred over the past several days. Rain in buckets falling from the sky and buckets strategically placed in several rooms of our house filling with that rainwater. Ugh. We’ve already had a contractor friend come over and take a look at what we’re going to need to do to the roof when everything dries out. Unfortunately, the forecast calls for more rain on Friday evening and all day Saturday. So, it might be next week before we get a strategy in place. In some ways it was good we were here. I don’t think I would have believed how much rain could come down and how many buckets it could fill in our house. Ray was joking that we might need to call for a rescue unit to come get us since it seemed likely we’d be floating. Luckily, we made it through.
The good news is that we have spent the past several days organizing at our mid-60s bank building. We have been working our little tushies off moving furniture around, opening boxes we haven’t seen in a while and separating items to keep, to sell on eBay, at the antique mall, or at a garage sale. We have a ways to go but we’ve made some major headway. Tomorrow we hope to load a trailer with trash to send away. That will feel especially good. We plan to load another with items to take to California the next time we are here with our van. That would feel good too!
The truth is that last week the temperatures were in the 90s here. The rain cooled everything down so we could actually work in our un-air-conditioned building. So we’re happy about all of that.
Here are a few photos of our building. There is a lot of work to be done, but we’re getting there. I’m just so happy to be able to display some of our wonderful mid-century collections of furniture, pottery, typewriters and tvs. Ray, the inveterate collector, is happy too.