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Respite at the Orange Grove

Ray Abe I are feeling well enough to head to the orange grove in Ojai. Ray still has a slight temperature and I can’t seem to stomach much food, solid or otherwise, but we agreed that the fresh air and the quiet will do us good.

Ray is already in bed. Has been since about 6:30. It is 8:15 and I will join him soon. The dogs are already snuggled up, getting my side of the bed warm.

I am hoping tomorrow brings a return to full good health for us both. Still, we will make “slow but sure” our watchwords for now.

Hope you are all going to have nice snug beds to crawl into tonight. Please remember those who do not and offer up a kind thought or prayer for their well-being. After all, “But for the grace of God, go I.”

I will check again tomorrow.

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