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Restful Evening Back in Ojai

I am listening to the classical radio station KUSC this evening and they are playing Robert Schumann’s Five Pieces in the Folk Style with Benjamin Britten on piano and Mstislav Rostropovich on cello. It is absolutely lovely, rich and resonant.

We are back in Ojai for a few days. We will be working, but are also enjoying the new Airstream. We are making some major inroads at the orange grove and want to keep the momentum going, hence our quick return. Besides, we have spent only one night in the newly arrived Airstream so we are eager to settle in for a few days and see what it is really like to “live” in it. We are not expecting to be relocating from LA, but it is fun to determine the comfort level of this new addition. We brought our estate work with us so we can be productive. So, we are all set.

The photo below is of the sunset this evening. It speaks for itself.

Happy Monday to you. I will be talking with you again tomorrow.

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