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RIP Bettye Whitmire

An older friend of ours, an antique dealer in Texas, was buried today.  She was 83 and up until 2 or 3 years ago, she was out and about in her Camaro convertible, always on the look out for antiques.  She had a great sense of humor and a real joy of life though she admitted to my husband and me one day when we went to her house to buy a chandelier that she sorely missed her husband of many years.  He had passed away four years before.  “I’m fine during the day when I’m busy” she said, “but nights and weekends are hard.”

Bettye was a pretty petite woman with impeccable taste.  She dressed with flair and her hair and make up were always perfect.  Her home was filled with beautiful antiques and collectibles that gave it a sense of grace and style, just like her.

I told my husband long ago that I hoped I could be like Bettye when I grow old.  Up and out every morning, zipping around with a real zest for life, kind, funny and tuned in to people and also to beautiful things.  That is still my hope, to live with the gusto of Bettye Whitmire.

She told us a funny story the last time we saw her.  She said that she jumped in her car one morning and headed for the highway.  She was going antiquing.  She passed through several little Texas towns that were a few miles a part.  Not exactly sure the name of the next town, she pulled in to the drive-thru of a fast food restaurant.  She looked at the girl at the window and said, “Honey, where am I?”  The young girl looked confused, then said, “MacDonald’s.”

May light perpetual shine upon you, Bettye.  I hope you are reunited with your beloved husband and that there are a lot of great estate sales in heaven!

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