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Saddle Up the Horses, We’re Heading Out…

Tomorrow, Ray and I will wrap up loose ends here in Texas, load our dogs, Cordelia and Sammie, into our Ford van, and head back to California. This has been a whirlwind trip for me and I am still suffering from jet lag. Of course, my fatigue may have less to do with acclimatizing to a different time zone and more to do with all the people we have seen and the work we’ve been involved in.

For me, it is a hard time of year not to want to be here in Texas. For Ray, it’s a tough time of year to be here.  It’s ragweed season and he is highly allergic. Luckily, the rain calmed down the ragweed for a few days. Now, we need to head off into the sunset before Ray begins a new round of headaches, sniffles, red-eyes, and a head full of congestion.

Alas, I’ve had a wonderful time these past few days. Despite all the activity, I feel happy and healthy. I just need a few more hours of sleep!

On that note, I’ll close.

I am heading off to bed. Tomorrow promises to be a very full day.

Until then…

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