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Scholastic Submissions Ready!


It’s 11:47 pm and I am just finishing my Scholastic Artists and Writers submission packet for my students, grades 7 – 12. I will be sending this off tomorrow, right after one more student gets one more story to me before I head off to the FedEx office.

I am happy to have this submission packet done. The paperwork for each entry is hefty. I suppose they get lots of entries and the papers sometimes get mixed up, so they need lots of back-up information.

Still, I am close to done and I’m happy about that. The entries are excellent and the kids can feel proud. I certainly feel proud of them.

On that note, I’m headed for bed. I can see the end of this busy time in sight. Thursday here we come!

I have so enjoyed hearing about what you all are doing for fun these days. Keep that information coming, please. It makes me smile while I slog through these next few days.

Night night.

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