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Soon, I Will See Clearly Again!

Today, I had a happy day. For the first time in three years, I had my eyes checked and I will soon have new contacts and new glasses. I have an eye condition called Keratoconus, which is where the cornea of the eye thins out and bulges like a cone. I have had surgery on one eye for this, but not on the other. I have known for a while now that my vision was getting blurry and a bit distorted but wasn’t sure why. Today I learned that the eye without the surgery has gotten a fair amount worse, thus causing the distortion.

Why does that make this a happy day? Because the new contacts I’m getting will correct both eyes to 20/20, and my new glasses will correct my right eye to 20/20 and the left to 20/40. (That’s the “bad” eye.”) I couldn’t believe how much better I could see once my doctor let me see through my new prescription. It was almost as exciting as when I put on glasses the first time and could actually see the individual leaves on the trees.

I feel very lucky that I live in a day and age where I can get my vision corrected. I can’t imagine how different my life would be if I had to walk around without glasses. 

I haven’t worn contacts in a very long time. I can’t wait to get them. These are sclera lenses, that are especially for people with Keratoconus, and are supposed to not only improve that condition but also be extremely comfortable. I am getting one long-distance contact and one at the distance of my laptop. I will sometimes have to wear reading glasses for close-up reading, but I don’t mind that. I also will have progressive lenses in my new glasses, which I will wear when my eyes are too tired for contacts. My doctor said it might take a while to get used to my new glasses since the prescription is so much stronger. I’m not worried. I’m just happy that I’m going to get to see clearly again!

A happy day indeed.

I’ll be checking back in again soon.

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