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Spring Cleaning and Bees

Today we are up in Ojai.  We worked all day cleaning and clearing and now I’m exceedingly tired. I feel good about what we accomplished so it was worth the effort.  The weather was quite cooperative. Just around 75 all day with a nice ocean breeze.

I am headed to bed.  This is short, but sweet.  I am up again early tomorrow to finish up a few more bits of work before heading back to LA.

Ron showed me his bees that he recently bought for the orange grove.  I didn’t know that bees not only make honey, but also add to their population on a continual basis. Ron bought 10, 0000 bees and a thousand new bees are born every week.  Wow.  Very cool.  See the photos below.

On that note, I’ll say good night. Sleep well, my friends.  We’ll talk again tomorrow.

Len and Ron with the bees

Len and Ron with bees

One of the partitions that fit into the hive

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