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Stories of the Heart Conference in Austin in April!

Dear Len,

I’m delighted to let you know that the Program Committee for next year’s conference has selected both your proposals, The Fun and Liberating World of Flash Fiction/Memoir and Transforming Your Writing Life in Just 20 Minutes a Day, for presentation. I speak for the Conference co-chairs, Peggy Moody and Jeanne Guy, as well as Susan Albert and myself in congratulating you. We are looking forward to our best conference ever; this year’s higher-than-ever number of excellent program proposals will surely help us attain that goal.

Mary Jo

I am thrilled. Two workshops! Wow. Hooray.

Austin family, I’ll see you in April.

Stories from the Heart VIII Women’s Writing Conference April 15-17, 2016 Wyndham Hotel, Austin, Texas

Stories from the Heart VIII will bring women from around the country to celebrate our stories and our lives. Through writing, reading, listening, and sharing, we will discover how personal narrative is a healing art, how we can gather our memories, how we can tell our stories. We welcome readers, writers, storytellers, and any woman with a past, present, and future. There will be opportunities to explore difficult or hidden issues, expand our relationships with other women, and discover different modes and media—such as art, dance, and drama—for sharing our stories. Come, learn, share, celebrate with us as we honor our stories!


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