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Summer in Texas

Writer's picture: lenleatherwoodlenleatherwood

I am sitting in an air-conditioned room right now enjoying the luxury of that cool and dry air after working part of the day outside in 92-degree heat with 69% humidity.  To make it clearer, by the end of the day, Ray and I both had to send our clothes to the washing machine since they were pretty much wringing wet. The good news is that North Central Texas has received so much rain lately that everything is beautifully green. The yards, which often by this time of year, are looking brown, couldn’t be prettier and the crepe myrtle trees are blooming with bright pinks and snowy whites in all their glory.  I guess too all that sweating is good for the skin.  At least, that’s what I’m telling myself.

The hum of this air conditioner takes me right back to growing up 25 miles from here, 50 years ago. Good heavens, that makes me sound ridiculously old!  Believe it or not, despite all my current aches and pains from moving lots of boxes and furniture for our garage sale, I don’t feel all that old. However, I digress. My original point was that hearing that hum and feeling that cool air of the air conditioner takes me back to being a kid again when summer days were long and luxurious in their freedom and the cicadas sang their rhythmic song every afternoon when the sun was at its hottest. I spent many a day playing under the shade of our big oak tree until it was just too hot to want to be outside.  At that point, I retreated to one of the few rooms in our house that actually had an air conditioner and I would stand in front of the vents and let that cool air cascade over my face and neck. Ah, what luxury.  And that’s exactly how I felt today, walking into our cool house after working outside. Thank you, Mr. Carrier, for inventing one of the very best things anybody could have in a hot climate.

What were we doing today?  We emptied a trailer that had some garage sale items stored in it, then went down to our very warm building (no air conditioning) and hauled a whole lot of furniture to that same now empty trailer and pick-up to bring back to our barn. We also emptied the back of the pick-up that was loaded mainly with tables and tarps and other supplies for the garage sale.  That was this morning. This afternoon, we went up to the antique mall and consolidated two booths into one booth, which required more hauling of furniture away to our barn. Plus, the usual stuff like making breakfast, lunch and dinner, cleaning the kitchen, washing and drying our very sweaty clothes and finally writing this blog post.

On that note, my friends, I’m going to say goodnight.  I think I’ll like to watch one tv show before dropping into bed.  Tomorrow is another busy and long day.  I just read the temperature will be 91 degrees with 53% humidity.  That lowered humidity might make a big difference.  I hope so!

Hope you’re cool, relaxed and dry. Talk tomorrow.

My friend Darrah Dunn’s back yard, to illustrate how beautiful the grass is right now.

Darrah's yard
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