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Ten-ten in Ojai

I just drove up to Ojai to join Ray who has been here all day. I was in LA working and seeing students for most of the day. I was fine during the drive until the last twenty minutes when the freeway falls away and the road become a two line highway into Ojai. It also goes from almost solid city to little towns and lots of woods in between. Once on the road to the Orange grove, it gets dark. There are fewer people and many fewer street lights. When I turned on our dirt road, it was almost pitch black. We are not overflowing in city lights of any type out here.

Ray is now out with Frankie trying to get her to poop and pee. We have had a couple of accidents so far with her where she has peed right on the bed because she was so excited. Needless to say we are avoiding this as much as possible. Ray has returned and reports success. Hooray. Time for bed!

Here is Frankie now.

How adorable is she?

Cordie has no such bathroom problems, thank goodness.

Okay, friends, I have to hit the hay. That was a long drive after a busy day.

Sleep well.

Talk tomorrow.

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