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Texans on Their Way to Visit!

We have our close friends, Darrah Dunn, Shann Schubert and three of their kids arriving early tomorrow morning for the Labor Day weekend. We have been up in Ojai preparing for a busy weekend there with them plus most of our family. Liz, Ron and Rachael will be there plus Luna, but Sarah has to work and Gregorio has his own work to get caught up on. as well. We will see them on Monday when we go to their house in the afternoon.

Today Ray and I moved all the kitchen supplies that have been living in our Spartan over to the new free standing kitchen. We also moved the Spartan stove over there until we can get to Texas and bring back a Chambers we have stored there. Now our kitchen is ready for action with a full size fridge, the stove, running water and three sinks. We have some of the cabinets we will be using, but still need to find the right ones to house the kitchen sinks and to provide more counter tops. Still, as of today, the new kitchen is functional. We will give it its first real run for its money this weekend. I am thrilled to bits.

Our other major innovation is the installation of a washing machine. We found an old Maytag at Reatore and it is just exactly like the stacked washer and dryer we have at home. The repair man who has come out very few times over the past twenty years we’ve had it said it is one of the best machines he has ever seen. This was at the time when Maytag built everything to really last. Hopefully, we will have as good of luck with this one as we have had with the one at home. Even half as good would be fine since it was only $100!

I am looking forward to seeing our old friends and spending the weekend with them and our family. This is quite a treat. The last time they came out was when Rachael graduated from high school and she is now 24! So it is high time. I am very happy.

I hope you all are looking forward to your holiday weekend. Stay safe. Have fun. Relax.

I will check back In tomorrow.

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