The fans are whirring, the windows are open, the doors are open, too, with the screen doors keeping out the mosquitoes that are surely in search of a nice juicy morsel of flesh. Ray is already upstairs in the bedroom in the air conditioning; I suspect he may already be sound asleep at 9:33 pm. The dogs are out on the back porch watching for intruders, or lightning bugs, or perhaps an occasional cat that wanders by. Our neighborhood garage sale merchandise is set up and covered in the front yard of our house, ready for early morning buyers who will no doubt be here by 7 am. The air is cooling off after a “warmish” day of 92 degrees with 50% humidity. Tomorrow it is due to be 91 with a 59% humidity. Yes, it may seem I am slightly obsessed with the weather, but that is what happens here. The weather is a real factor in how your day goes. Right now, I am sitting in my living room with two doors open, two windows open and a fan blowing right on me, and I can still feel my neck sweating. Yes, my neck! This is not a place I think of sweating, but apparently, I do.
Ray and I will sleep in air conditioning tonight in our bedroom and if it gets really hot and sticky tomorrow we’ll turn our central air on in the house. But going in and out as much as we’ve been doing today getting ready for the garage sale, well, it has been better to walk into the house with all the windows open. Not such a shock going back outside. Plus, the wind was blowing today so it didn’t feel so terribly hot, though I must admit, you have to embrace sweating if you are in Texas and outside this time of year. August will be much hotter, but then again, it is so hot then that there is little humidity. The air now feels like warm bath water and can, as they say in Texas, wear you slap out.
Ray said to me this evening, “What did we do today? Why am I so tired?”
My answer, “It wasn’t so much what we did as the fact that we did it out in the heat.”
Yes, obsessed. I admit it. This is coming from someone who is used to 72 degrees daily and where the weather is literally never a topic of conversation as long as it doesn’t vary much from that 72 (which it doesn’t much of the time). Except when we get 2 inches of rain and this is declared a “Storm Watch, 2014” event. (We clearly don’t have much to do in the weather department in Southern CA.) Hence, my clear hyper focus here (though everybody here is as hyperfocused as I am, I swear.)
I am heading up to bed since we were be up by 6 to make sure everything is in place for our big sale. Hopefully, we’ll have a flurry of activity to get our day started right. Ray has set a goal of $100 dollars for us. I think that might be a bit ambitious. However, we will see. Luckily our neighbors and friends brought a few items that will spice up the sale a bit. Our stuff (mine and Ray’s) is going straight to Goodwill at the end of the day.
I think I better take a bath before I head to bed. Of course, this will be my second bath of the day…or is it my third?
Whatever the case, sleep well, my friends. If you are in North Texas and out and about, come by. Our neighbors’ little girls will be selling lemonade.