Thank you for all who responded to my post yesterday that focused on my reflections about my friend’s recent suicide, brought on by longstanding depression and anxiety. Your responses helped me to remember that if I am feeling something, others generally are, as well. Your thoughts also encourage me to write about tough subjects such as these. I was heartened to see that I am not alone with my fears and questions.
Father Ian Elliott Davies preached a fine sermon today prompted to a large part by Joseph’s death last week. I urge all of you to go to the St. Thomas the Apostle, Hollywood website in a few days and listen to it once it has been uploaded. It challenges conventional thought on suffering and death and will be well worth your time.
I am sending warm healing light tonight to all who need it – which is probably just about everyone who might read these words. Hugs to you all and thank you for your openness about some of the challenges of this life.
Sleep well, my friends. We will talk again tomorrow.