I am sitting with my student and we are doing a quick-write. I have just returned from Texas – I mean I drove in from Texas exactly two hours ago. We drove from 4 am (Central time) yesterday morning until 8 pm Pacific time (which is 10 Central time) last night, which translate into 1100 miles. We got up at 5 am this morning and headed to Pasadena, where we visited our daughter, Sarah, and granddaughter, Luna. Then we left there so that I could be on time to see my students, which began with a 6th grader named George and now Jonah, who is in 5th grade. I have two other students coming today and will work until 8 this evening.

I enjoyed our cross-country trip, just as I always do. The scenery between here and Texas is beautiful with deserts, buttes, and plateaus in Arizona and New Mexico, then flat farm land in West Texas before turning into rolling hills close to where we live in North Central Texas, right on the Texas/Oklahoma border.

This trip was filled with colors. In West Texas, I saw huge fields of green cotton plants full of white boles of cotton, ready to be picked. Outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico, the cliffs were a vivid red against the pale blue autumn sky. In Flagstaff, Arizona there were miles of bright yellow desert flowers along the roadway. Driving on I-15 in California, bright white snow glistened on the tops of faraway mountains, and the desert was filled with muted greens and oranges.

I had a wonderful time on this road trip, as always. I feel like a gypsy when I’m traveling; just off on the road, having fun and seeing what the next adventure will be.
