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The End of a Long Day


This has been one of those days…

I was up and out of the house by 7:10 for church.

Came home and worked with daughter Liz on her personal statement for post law school from 11 – 2:00.

Ate a quick lunch with Ray, Liz and our friend, Ian, then watched 1/2 of Silver Linings Play Book (everyone else saw the whole thing).

Saw a student from 4:30 – 7.

Went to Home Depot with Ray from 7 – 8:30 pm.

Edited online students essays from 8:45 – 10 pm.

And now I am writing my blog at 10:05.

Shortly, I’m heading to bed despite a sink full of dishes that need washing. They can just wait until tomorrow morning.

On that note, folks, I bid you adieu.

A short post today, but, at least, I did post. Surely, that is worth something!

I hope everybody had a little more restful Sunday than I did. What did you do? Please share in the Comments Section.

Until tomorrow…

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