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The Film “Nebraska” – Go See It

Tonight we went to see the film Nebraska with Bruce Dern. This is a very straight-forward movie with a simple premise: an old man wants to go claim his winnings after receiving a letter that says: “Congratulations, you’ve won a million dollars.” The story revolves around the reactions of Dern’s family: his wife and two sons to his desire to go claim his prize money, which they are all know is nonexistent.

Don’t worry, I will not spoil the ending. Let me just say that it is satisfying.

The best part of this film is its simplicity. Nothing fancy here – just like Nebraska – basic plot, basic locations, basic desires. The interesting part is how nuanced the characters are, real and multi-layered.

The characters are richly drawn, the acting excellent, the scene alternatively bleak and beautiful, and the complications realistic and yet somehow unpredictable.

Do I recommend this film? Absolutely. This is well worth your time and money. You will know more about human dynamics after seeing this movie and will walk out of the theater with a clearer awareness of how complicated seemingly simple human beings truly are.

A strong Go see it! is in order for Nebraska, which is a fine and moving film.

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