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The Grand Canyon & Now Back in LA

We arrived at the Grand Canyon at 9 am this morning and this is what we saw:


The sky was overcast and there had been a little rain so the air smelled evergreen sweet.

We passed many fields as we drove from Flagstaff that were covered in these flowers:


Of course, they was exceptionally pretty.

We were at the rim for almost an hour before busloads of Japanese tourists arrived.


Everything suddenly was a lot busier after that.

Here are Ray and Jared:


And I must say everyone who saw Cordie and Sammie, no matter what nationality, gave us warm smiles.


Here is a section of the bookstore I’ll be frequenting once my little grandchild is born.


The canyon was breathtaking, as usual.

We are now safely back in LA. A lovely trip, but now I’m glad to be home.
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