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The Power of Our Democracy


This is my husband Ray and two of our three daughters, Liz and Rachael, at 8 am on our way to the polls.  Before leaving home, we pulled out our Voter Guides  and went over all the propositions and measures so we could make informed decisions.  Our voting location is in a garage of a family home here in Beverly Hills.  No mansion.  Just a decent home with a two car garage.  There we saw our next door neighbor, who has volunteered at the voting site for years.  She asked how our dogs were as we waited in the short line to vote.  This was Rachael’s first presidential election and she was excited. There’s nothing like being part of the Democratic process.

Ray and I started watching election results by late afternoon.  We have just finished watching Romney’s concession speech and Obama’s victory speech.  We won’t have the local election results until tomorrow at the earliest.  Fog has made delivering ballots to a central location difficult.

Of course, I am happy my candidate won, but more importantly, I am grateful to be part of this great process.  After watching the Arab Spring where people were willing to die for the right to choose their leaders, I am more aware than ever just how precious our right to vote is.  We can agree to disagree and we can stand up for what we believe in.  That is the gift of being an American.  Hip hip hooray for that gift for all of us.

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