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Things I Still Don’t Know:

A list that is certainly not exhaustive and that is in no particular order:

1) How to eat more vegetables consistently. 2) How to get on a regular exercise routine. 3) How to dance more. 4) How to get to the theater more. 5) How to keep my Cordelia from barking so much. 6) How to integrate my cat, William, into a respectful relationship with my dogs, Cordelia and Sammie. 7) How to make a really flakey pie crust. 8) How not to crave milk shakes. 9) How to organize my writing week so I work consistently on my novel. 10) How to focus long enough to make the needed changes on my first novel to resubmit to agents. 11) How to market my work effectively so I can move to the next level in my writing. 12) How to use Twitter…or why I would use Twitter. 13) How to speak Spanish, which I would love to learn. 14) How to make real money with my writing rather than money for my writing-related skills. 15) How to keep the garage organized. 16) How to find time to get all of our many antiques items organized and on sale on eBay. 17) How to find an agent who would be excited about representing me and my work. 18) How to determine exactly the kind of writing that is right and profitable for me to do. 19) How to sew as well as I would like. 20) How to make as much money as I would like so I can relax about making money. 21) How to consistently build in time to go on hikes and camping trips. 22) How to figure out a time to go camp out by the ocean. 23) How to ride my bicycle on a consistent basis. 24) How to promote my writing business as effectively as I would like. 25) How to comfortably ask for help when I need it. 26) How to fly a small plane. 27) How to scuba dive 28) How to afford and plan yearly trips to Africa, India, Australia and Europe. 29) How to dress myself as I would like. 30) How to keep a consistent wardrobe up and in my closet so I never am scrambling to figure out what to wear. 31) How to proactively shop for shoes, clothes and handbags. 32) How to enjoy talking for a long time on the telephone. 33) How to paint. 34) How to play a musical instrument or sing well. 35) How to write great poetry. 36) How to read novels routinely. 37) How to go to the doctor as soon as I see that the symptoms are not going away. 38) How to get enough sleep consistently. 39) How to understand how some people don’t care if people dislike or distrust them. 40) How to do yoga consistently.

I am tired and this is all I can come up with. I am certain I have forgotten whole categories of things I still don’t know, but it is time for bed so I am stopping.

Good night, my friends.

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