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Time to Head Back West

Early tomorrow morning, I head back to LA to start teaching my summer writing classes. I’m not ready to leave Texas yet, but at the same time, I’m eager to go home. I have family to see, after all, most especially my beloved granddaughter, Luna Isabella. So, this draws me back to the West Coast.

Ray will be driving back with the dogs. He has an unexpected car repair to help Rachael with before he heads out. Thank goodness we didn’t leave today before the clutch on Rachael’s car stopped working. That might have been slightly problematic.

Alas, we’ve had a great time here over the past three weeks. We’ve organized our too-full buildings, hauled furniture, made decisions about house renovation, entertained family and friends, and even helped daughter Rachael find and furnish her new apartment. So, we can leave feeling good that we’ve accomplished more than we expected to, and give ourselves a nice pat on the back for all that hard work.

So, Lord willing, tomorrow night I’ll be posting from Los Angeles.

Until then, stay cool.

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