Welcome to the land of the living dead. Too much work in too short a time. Yikes. I have hit the wall – at least for tonight – and am ready to go stare at the television set with no care for what I am watching. For future reference, please remind me not to combine Christmas with a driving trip to Texas, an Open House, a tenant arriving to an unfinished property, a second tenant coming a scant 2 weeks later to an as yet unfinished property, a visit of out-of-town family, along with visits with many family members and friends. Any one of these events might be plenty in itself. Tossing them in altogether has brought me to that tipping point better known as get-me-to-my-bed.
So, please forgive the brevity but now is the moment. If I am not in bed in the next five minutes, I might become seriously anti-social. So, not wanting to go in THAT direction, I think I’ll head the obvious other way.
I am not unhappy, just over-stimulated and over-tired. Time to put baby to bed. Baby in this case being me.
Night night.