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Tips Appreciated on How to Naturally Lower Cholesterol

Hi folks,

Well, this is a shout-out to anyone who might have some down-to-earth tips on naturally lowering cholesterol.  These would include simple methods to help shed a few pounds too.

Yesterday, I started taking psyllium husks in a glass of water (which is supposed to be excellent for lowering cholesterol), then repeated again today with orange juice. I must admit the juice was much better with those globs of psyllium than the plain water. Actually, not bad at all in the juice once I moved beyond the texture issues.

I don’t eat beef or pork so I am already ahead of the game there.  But, clearly, whatever I am eating is brimming with cholesterol. My children all would give me a long look here and collectively shake their heads.  “It’s all those honey-sweetened cookies and cakes that you’re always baking that are causing those high numbers, Mom.  Let’s not kid ourselves.”

All right then, perhaps there is some truth in that.  How do I bake low-fat/no-fat honey-sweetened treats? We know my sweet-tooth will demand some satisfaction.  How does one deal with that besides eating fruit?  I love fruit, by the way, but I love a good baked good at least as much.  So, recipes for low-fat sweets?  I am open.

I also know that saturated fat is a big no-no.  I am loathed to stop using big globs of butter on my morning whole wheat toast, but I understand that is a necessity.  In fact, for the past two days, I haven’t had my toast at all but instead gobbled down microwaved steel-cut oats.  These too are purported to have cholesterol-lowering abilities.  I didn’t use a dollop of honey for sweetener either since those extra calories add up; instead, I used liquid organic stevia. Not as satisfying except that stevia has zero calories.

I even made homemade pinto beans today for dinner.  Okay, I admit I made homemade cornbread too with probably too much coconut oil and an overly generous amount of honey. And, yes, I did eat two pieces.  But I am not having ANYTHING else today (and that was at 4) except for some honeydew melon that is already cut up and ready to eat.  Surely two smallish (okay, one big and one slighter less big) pieces of cornbread are not the end of the world.

I had salad, roasted potatoes, and a little chicken for lunch with low-fat Blue Cheese dressing.  Surely, that’s not too bad.

Anyway, I could use some guidance. If you know of any good advice that is simple and not too punitive, then send it my way.  Punitive only equals me rebelling and that’s not going to get these cholesterol numbers to where they need to be.  I have three months.  I can do this. All help is appreciated.

I’ll check back in again with you tomorrow.

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