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Tired After a Good Day

I have been working all day today.  I had students all morning and afternoon and then spent this evening communicating with students in my Story Circle Network online “Flash Fiction/Flash Memoir” class and also trading emails with potential teachers for the SCN Online Class program. I wrapped up the evening by finishing up a recommendation for a sweet young woman from our church who is applying to seminary.  Alas, it is now 10:45 and I’m tired.

Tomorrow we are heading up to Ojai early for a work day.  The weather is supposed to be nice so I’m looking forward to going up and spending the night.  I love the orange grove so that is simply a treat.

As busy as today was, I must say that it was a good day.  I am particularly fond of the students who came today.  I’ve worked with all of them a long time and we’re all good friends by this point.

Heading off to bed with a grateful heart.

I’ll be checking back in with you tomorrow from Ojai, if, as we say in Texas, the good Lord’s willing and the creek don’t rise.


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