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Today at Home in Texas

I am sitting in a quiet house and can hear the train whistle off in the distance.  It is 11:23 pm and we’ve had a long but good day.  We just returned from a party at the home of our friends Darrah Dunn and Shann Schubert.  There we saw old friends and also one new one: my cousin Lee’s friend, David Dickson, who recently moved to Denison.  David and I got to know each other a little better and also commiserated about writing.  I can see why my cousin is fond of him.  I expect Ray and I will get to know him even better on subsequent trips to Texas since it’s clear we have a lot in common.  It was great to see our old friends as well.  It always feels as if I am just picking up a conversation we started a week or so ago with them rather than the several months back. That’s a good feeling.

Earlier we worked here at home on a whole slew of different projects, plus I had a telephone session with one of my students in LA for 1 1/2 hours.

All in all, a fine day.  No big shakes.  Just a day where we did what needed to be done.

I am now off for what I hope will be a very good night sleep.

Good night, my friends.  I’ll write again tomorrow.

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