Today has been busy. Up early for the homeless breakfast – fed around 150 people – then students for 5 hours, then back to church to serve as the thurifer (the acolyte swinging the incense) at the Vigil Mass. This evening, in contrast, has been leisurely – just adding photos on Facebook, watching HGTV and hanging out with daughter Liz and her boyfriend, Ron.
Tomorrow is an eBay day, when Ray and I will add antique and collectible items to our eBay store. Also, tomorrow evening I am hosting a potluck dinner for members of John Rechy’s Master Class, a weekly writing workshop I participated in for 5 years until John retired. These are old writing friends who I haven’t seen in a while so it will be fun to be together again.
Christmas is coming, but we have resolved to have a low-key affair with limited gift-giving. We did this last year as well and it was the best Christmas I’d had in a long time since I wasn’t out trying to shop night and day. We have all been assigned a person by Liz (she heads this up) and we spend $25 on that person. We also buy a gift of no more than $5 for each of the other family members, plus one gift of no more than $20 for Luna. Last year, we all found that the gift giving was fun because we needed to be creative to figure out satisfying gifts for so little money. I, being adept at finding cool stuff in thrift stores, had lots of success shopping with a limited budget. This year promises to be no different in that regard except now I get to add Luna to the mix. Of course, that makes Christmas extra fun since this is her first one.
I am headed off to bath and bed. The alarm rang awfully early this morning – 5:30 – and now it’s time to settle down in bed since my eyelids are involuntarily closing.
Good night to all. Hope your week-end is progressing well.