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Today with Luna

This is a short blog tonight. Granddaughter Luna was here for most of the day and I’m beat. Of course, I had a wonderful time having her here. There is nothing like her sweet face to make me feel completely happy. Here are some pictures to chronicle our day together:

Luna with Grandpa

Ray and Luna1

Heading off to play

Luna - garden

Looking up at the avocado tree

Looking up at the Avocado Tree

Playing with a bug

PLaying in the chair

Water hose

Luna and water hose

Drinking from hose

Drinking from hose

Playing with Cordie

Luna, Cordie and Rock

Heading back off

Walking, Shadow, Side View

Stopping to Check In

Stopped, Shadow, Front View

Baby and dog

Luna and Cordie near hose

More baby and dog

Luna sitting with Cordie
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