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Tomorrow We Head Back to CA

This week has flown by, primarily because we were making the trek to and from Fort Worth on several days.  We will go again tomorrow and work before we head to the airport in mid-afternoon.

Being here reminds me of what lovely friends we have.  I got to see several people and had some good visits.  Of course, I would have preferred more time for visiting but that wasn’t part of the agenda this trip since the Fort Worth condo fire dominated our time.  Alas, I had a very good time with the people I did see and look forward to seeing everybody again in the not too distant future.

The fires of late are reminding me that life is impermanent and because of that, I decided to take some pictures of Lyon House to simply enjoy how beautiful it is.  So below you’ll see several photos of the first floor.  Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Will check back in soon.  My goal is to get back on track with my daily blogging.

Front Entry




Back Hall


Dining room

Green Room and View to Study




Staircase Room


Dining Room Looking into Staircase Room


Front Parlor


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