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Up at the Orange Grove

We are up in Ojai at the orange grove. We have what we hope is our last appointment with the vet for Cordelia early tomorrow morning. She is due to go back in for hydration after several days of no food or water and hopefully will receive her marching papers. We hope so since we want to continue to use this vet for this bout of Cordie’s pancreatitis but the 1 1/2 hour treks back and forth from LA are starting to wear on us a bit. Ray drove back yesterday for a hydration appointment and we came again today for one tomorrow. Fingers crossed that she is well enough to resume normal activity. She is much perkier and is starting to get interested in food again so I know we are close.

The night is beautiful with a bright moon that is illuminating the grove. It’s very quiet and peaceful so being here is always a gift.

Sleep well, my friends. I hope you have had a good Sunday. We’ll be talking again tomorrow.

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