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Up in Ojai

Hi everyone,

I am sitting among my family here at the orange grove, typing while they are talking together.  Clearly, I am going to make this a short post.  I am posting now because I am using Ron’s “Hotspot,” which is an extra treat versus heading off to Starbuck’s and sitting in my car to post.  So, suffice it to say, I am happy.

Today, Sarah and Gregorio are here with my grandbabies, along with Ron and Liz. Rachael was here earlier but has returned to LA to observe Yom Kippur with Ariel.  Liz and Ron’s little spot is coming along very quickly, which is quite heartening.  They have almost all the walls up and some of the interior as well.  It is a free-standing bedroom that accompanies their mid-century Spartan, where they will be living by the end of October.

Okay, I am closing.  Gregorio took this gorgeous photo of the kids earlier.  This should say it all in terms of what it’s like to be up here in this lovely orange grove.

I’ll check back in with you again tomorrow.

Nico and Luna

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